Paper Pulp Residue - Short Fibre Residual
Material: Wood Pulp,SFR | Pulp Style: Virgin | Place of Origin: United States |

Paper Pulp Residue.
Sidestream (or intermediate product) from paper manufacture.
The Short Fibre Residual (SFR) - virgin fibre made up of the following - Canadian Hardwoods , Southern Pine , Eucalyptus , Ashdown Hardwood , Ashdown Softwood , Dryden Softwood , Espanola Aspen , Espanola Birch , Espanola Maple , Espanola Softwood , Hawesville Hardwood , Kamioops Chinook , Kamioops Tynee Kraft , Marlboro Softwood , Plymouth Fluff , and Windsor Wet lap.
We don't have any statistics on tensile strength because it's not measured by U.S. plants using this material. It is recommended that we send you a sample for evauation.
Use:Packaging industry; concrete blocks; add mixes for cement; compost.
Supply capacity:10,000 MT per month.
Packing:1.5 MT jumbo bags.
Indicative Price:USD 560 per MT CIF Main European port.
Sample on request